In today’s economy some people find it difficult to enjoy the sport of triathlon because they know the cost involved. Let’s face it - triathlons can be expensive. The investment of tri gear, nutrition, educational materials and an endless array of other items can definitely add up. However, there are many ways to keep the costs down without breaking the bank.
- Race for free: If you want to run a particular race and the cost is too high, racing for a charity might be your ideal option. Depending on the organization, you will sometimes have race entry fees and travel expenses covered. Racing for a charity can be financially responsible and provide you with an opportunity to improve the lives of others.
- Race locally: This will keep down the costs considerably. Not having to pay for airfare, hotel, bike shipping, etc. will save hundreds to thousands of dollars just on one race. There are a myriad of races in the DC Metro area so racing locally is a reality.
- Buy a used or clearance bike: Especially if you are a new triathlete, buying a used bike can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Also, checking with local bike shops during their winter clearance times can save you some big cash as well.
- Unique gifts: When people find it difficult to know what to buy you as a gift for your birthday or other celebration, tell them you would really like an entrance into a particular race. Knowing you’ll be using their gift in the future might encourage them to also be there to cheer you on in your endeavor.
- Shop wisely for clothes: There are many online stores that discount triathlon clothes in the winter. Know when the big sales are coming and stock up on your items during that time.
- Rent your wetsuit: To purchase a wetsuit you’ll spend anywhere from $200 - $600 or more. Renting a wetsuit, however, can cost as little as $25. Since a wetsuit can only be worn at temperatures of 78 degrees or lower you probably won’t use it for every race. So, determine how often you’ll need a wetsuit and you’ll see which option is best for you.
- Register early: You can save tens, if not hundreds, of dollars per race by registering early.
- Maintain your current gear: Make sure the items you currently have are kept in good shape so you can use them long term and don’t have to make new purchases.
- Swap gear with other athletes. Invite some triathlete friends over for a party where everybody brings gently used gear to trade. Maybe that wetsuit that never fit right can be turned into some new wheels.